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詹姆斯跳步那一下就已经走步了。詹姆斯持球后左脚落地,此时左脚为中枢脚。规则25.2.2规定:“移动时传球或投篮,队员可跳起中枢脚并一脚或双脚同时落地,但跳起中枢脚后在球出手之前任一脚不得落回地面。”,詹姆斯右脚先落地,但没有在中枢脚左脚落地前出球,已经构成走步。即使勉强算双脚同时落地,根据规则“在球出手前任意一脚不得落回地面”,詹姆斯之后又迈出一步,显然违反了“在球出手前任意一脚不得落回地面”的规则,也是走步。此球詹姆斯确确实实是走步,而且不止多走一步。 这是一个球员跳步走步违例的典型,NBA官方违例视频中明确判断这种球违例。http://china.nba.com/33/2011/1014/51.html
跳步和走步的界定很微妙 nba裁判为了比赛的观赏性或者明星哨等问题会视而不见 正规比赛或者国际篮联的比赛跳步很容易被吹走步 有一种 单脚起跳双脚落地 不停顿直接投篮或传球时绝对干净的跳步 其余单脚落地或双脚起跳的很容易被吹走步
那个女子跳步后还可以做假动作 ,当然,还可以移动一只脚,另一只不动~。


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推荐你去Q播客上去找 给你说个名字 :“我就是王” 这是詹姆斯经典暴扣、、不看会后悔噢、 要是真的想下的话迅雷上有、 去百度上搜索也是有的
http://www.ballive.com/ 这个网站好,可以在线看也可以下载。有很多好视频,也有每天的NBA十佳球高清版。希望你喜欢
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比布朗尼更有篮球天赋?詹姆斯转发小儿子打球视频:只是个开始 北京时间10月26日,美媒SLAM发了一段詹姆斯小儿子布莱斯打球的视频。视频中,布莱斯展现了自己全面的进攻技巧,能突能投,也能给队友制造机会。詹姆斯转发了这一视频,并点评道:“只是个开始#詹姆斯帮”。让我们一起来看看吧视频中,布莱斯晃倒对手后的急停跳投,让底线观战的布朗尼也兴奋不已。一直以来,美媒的焦点似乎都在詹姆斯的大儿子布朗尼身上。布朗尼已经16岁了,从年龄上来看,詹姆斯似乎更有希望和布朗尼在NBA赛场上碰面。不过,布朗尼目前的表现不是特别令人满意,已经有媒体质疑他能否打进NBA。曝光度比较少的小儿子布莱斯,也很喜欢打球,而且很聪明。相比布朗尼,他是一个更好的投手,这一点得到詹姆斯本人的认可。詹姆斯曾表示布莱斯是詹姆斯家族最好的投手,他还把布莱斯称为“一名狙击手”。布莱斯出生于2007年6月14日,现在也13岁了。他同样遗传了父亲的运动基因,擅长篮球、足球和冰球。不过,出于安全考虑,詹姆斯目前只允许他打篮球了。美媒报道称,虽然布莱斯只有13岁,但已经有不少NCAA一级大学提前向他发出邀请。从年龄上看,布莱斯基本无望和父亲在NBA碰面,但他是一个有天赋的潜力股,经过磨练,或许他的篮球未来能比布朗尼更美好。就像詹姆斯说的那样,对于布莱斯而言,这只是一个开始。布莱斯的曝光度不如布朗尼,压力可能也没那么大,这对于他的成长来说,或许是件好事。

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詹姆斯、科比等个人篮球高清视频集锦!要高清的,最少要50分钟!284335218 发我邮箱!~


LeBron James, born in Akron, Ohio, USA on December 30, 1984, is an American professional basketball player with a small forward as his manager. Currently with the Los Angeles Lakers.(勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),1984年12月30日出生在美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国职业篮球运动员,场上司职小前锋。现效力于洛杉矶湖人队)。James was chosen by Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round of NBA draft in 2003. Transfer to Miami Heat in 2010. In 2012, James won his third most valuable player award in the NBA, won his first NBA championship and won the NBA Finals MVP. In the summer of the same year, James won the gold medal of London Olympic Games on behalf of the American men's basketball team. (詹姆斯在2003年的NBA选秀大会中,首轮第一顺位被克利夫兰骑士队选中。2010年转会至迈阿密热火队。2012年,詹姆斯收获了个人在NBA的第三座最有价值球员奖,并获得了NBA生涯第一个总冠军并加冕总决赛MVP。同年夏天,詹姆斯代表美国男篮获得了伦敦奥运会金牌)。On June 20, 2016, James led the Cavaliers to win the first NBA championship with a 4-3 total score. James won the MVP in the finals. On January 24, 2018, when the Cavaliers challenged the Spurs on the road, James scored 30000 points in his career and became the youngest Mr. 30000 points in history. (2016年6月20日,詹姆斯带领骑士队总比分4-3逆转勇士队获得队史第一座NBA总冠军,詹姆斯荣膺总决赛MVP。2018年1月24日,骑士客场挑战马刺,詹姆斯个人生涯得分顺利突破30000分,成为史上最年轻的三万分先生)。February 19, won the NBA all star MVP. On July 2, James announced that he would join the Lakers. The two sides signed an official contract on July 10, wearing the No. 23 Jersey.(2月19日,获得NBA全明星正赛MVP。7月2日,詹姆斯宣布加盟湖人队,双方于7月10日正式签约,身穿23号球衣。)On January 25, 2019, he was selected as the Western starter of the 2019 Charlotte all star game. On February 17, brown won the all star game for two consecutive years with 178-164.(2019年1月25日,入选2019夏洛特全明星赛西部首发。2月17日,布朗队以178-164力克对手,连续两年取得了全明星赛的胜利)。扩展资料詹姆斯身高203厘米,体重113公斤,在他的主要位置小前锋或后卫的对位上往往有身材优势,他还拥有出色的的速度、弹跳力和身体对抗能力,这使他有时能打到大前锋的位置,他主要的得分手段是切入上篮、扣篮。往往能造成打三分,他还有出色的篮板以及助攻能力,两项数据生涯平均皆在7左右,抢断和盖帽的成绩也不差,说明了他是一位全能型的球员,只是他的罚球不佳,平均每场获得9次罚球机会却只投进6.7球,约75%的命中率。詹姆斯的防守意识相当不错,在比赛中时常能看到他从后方飞身盖帽,或是断球后的快攻扣篮,甚至自己抓下防守篮板后也能快速突破取分,后卫的速度使他能快速的攻防转换。他也具有相当好的控球能力和全场视野,经常担任小前锋的角色,在这个位置上他具有极大的身材优势,他的进攻往往能吸引对手两到三名球员的包夹防守,从而使队友获得许多空档出手的机会。
LeBron Raymone James  is an American professional basketball playerwho currently plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association.Commonly nicknamed "King James" and "The Chosen One,"the Akron, Ohio-born James was highly promoted in the national mediaas a future NBA star while still in high school,and was named Ohio's "Mr. Basketball" three times.At the age of 18, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers.Before his NBA debut, James signed an unprecedented US$90 million shoe contract with Nike.He has since set numerous youngest player records. In his first season,he received the NBA Rookie of the Year Award ,and in the following three seasons received All-NBA and All-Star honors.He led the Cavaliers to back-to-back playoff appearances in 2006 and 2007;the latter year the team advanced to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1992and the NBA Finals for the first time in Cleveland's history.James is listed as a small forward, but can also play point guard and shooting guard.This versatility has led to his unofficial classification as a "point forward".James was a member of the United States men's national basketball team that won the bronze medal in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece,and he finished second in the league Most Valuable Player balloting in 2006.勒布朗Raymone詹姆斯是美国职业篮球运动员,目前效力于美国国家篮球协会的克利夫兰骑士队。通常称为“詹姆斯国王”和“选一个。”亚克朗市,曾是詹姆斯高度提升在全国媒体,作为一个未来的NBA球星虽然仍在高中,并被命名为俄亥俄州的“篮球先生”三次。18岁时,他就以第一顺位选中的骑士队在2003年的NBA选秀。在NBA亮相之前,詹姆斯鞋与耐克的合同签署了一项史无前例的9000万美元。他已经集众多年轻球员记录。在他的第一个赛季,他收到了NBA年度最佳新秀奖和在接下来的三个赛季双双入选全明星荣誉。他带领骑士队背靠背季后赛出场在2006年和2007年;后者一年团队先进的自1992年以来第一次的决赛和Clev的首次总决赛。扩展资料:勒布朗·詹姆斯是NBA篮球员,位置是前锋,身高2.03米,体重108.9公斤。毕业于圣温森特高中,2003年成为NBA新人状元。詹姆斯在2003年NBA选秀中于首轮第1顺位被克利夫兰骑士队选中,在2009年与2010年蝉联NBA常规赛最有价值球员(MVP)。2010年,詹姆斯转会至迈阿密热火队。2012年,詹姆斯得到NBA个人生涯的第3座常规赛MVP,第1个总冠军和总决赛MVP,并代表美国男篮获得了伦敦奥运会金牌,追平了迈克尔·乔丹在1992年所创的纪录。2013年,詹姆斯获得第4个常规赛MVP、第2个NBA总冠军和第2个总决赛MVP,实现两连冠。2014年,詹姆斯回归骑士。2016年,詹姆斯带领骑士逆转战胜卫冕冠军勇士获得队史首个总冠军和个人第3个总决赛MVP。2018年7月10日,詹姆斯正式与湖人签下4年1.53亿美元的合同。参考资料来源:百度百科-勒布朗·詹姆斯
勒布朗-詹姆斯中英文简介1、Chinese name:   勒布朗·詹姆斯Foreign Name:  LeBron Raymone JamesAlias:   LeBron, the old BeijingNationality:   United StatesHometown:   United States Ohio AkronDate of Birth:  December 30, 1984School:  Saint Vincent - Sheng Mali SchoolHeight:  2.03 meters / 6 feet 8 inchesWeight:  113.4 kg / 250 lbsSport:  BasketballRespective sports teams:   Cleveland CavaliersProfessional Features:   Extremely versatile, and strong rule!Major Awards:  Two-time NBA All-Star Game Most Valuable Player AwardTwo-time NBA Most Valuable Player AwardNBA Rookie of the Year Award (2004)Sixth NBA All-Star GameNBA scoring champion (2008)2008 Olympic Men's Basketball ChampionshipImportant events:  2003 NBA Draft championJersey:   232、中文名字:   勒布朗·詹姆斯外文名:  LeBron Raymone James别名:  小皇帝,老北京国籍: 美国出生地:美国俄亥俄州阿克伦出生日期: 1984年12月30日毕业院校: 圣文森特-圣马里中学身高: 2.03米/6英尺8英寸体重: 113.4公斤/250磅运动项目: 篮球所属运动队: 克里夫兰骑士队专业特点: 极为全能,统治力强!主要奖项: 两届NBA全明星赛最有价值球员奖两届NBA最有价值球员奖NBA年度最佳新秀奖 (2004)六届NBA全明星赛NBA得分王(2008年)2008年奥运会男篮冠军重要事件: 2003年NBA选秀状元球衣号码: 23号
LeBron James was born in Akron, Ohio on December 30, 1984. He is an American professional basketball player, a small forward, nicknamed "little emperor" and plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.James was selected by Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round of NBA draft in 2003, and was the MVP in 2009 and 2010. James moved to Miami Heat in 2010.In 2012, James won the NBA's third regular season MVP, the first championship and finals MVP, and won the London Olympic gold medal on behalf of the American men's basketball team, equalling the record set by Michael Jordan in 1992.In 2013, James won the fourth regular season MVP, the second NBA championship and the second finals MVP, achieving two consecutive titles. In 2014, James returned to the Knights.In 2016, James led the Cavaliers to reverse the victory over the defending champion warriors to win the team's first championship and personal third finals MVP. On July 10, 2018, James signed a four-year, $153 million contract with the Lakers.James basketball is considered to be one of the most versatile players in NBA history because of his high intelligence, sharp breakthrough, excellent vision and passing skills.  In 2019, Forbes ranked 17thon the list of 100 celebrities.扩展资料:勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),1984年12月30日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦(Akron, Ohio),美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,绰号“小皇帝”,效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。詹姆斯在2003年NBA选秀中于首轮第1顺位被克利夫兰骑士队选中,在2009年与2010年蝉联NBA常规赛最有价值球员(MVP)。2010年,詹姆斯转会至迈阿密热火队。2012年,詹姆斯得到NBA个人生涯的第3座常规赛MVP,第1个总冠军和总决赛MVP,并代表美国男篮获得了伦敦奥运会金牌,追平了迈克尔·乔丹在1992年所创的纪录。2013年,詹姆斯获得第4个常规赛MVP、第2个NBA总冠军和第2个总决赛MVP,实现两连冠。2014年,詹姆斯回归骑士。2016年,詹姆斯带领骑士逆转战胜卫冕冠军勇士获得队史首个总冠军和个人第3个总决赛MVP。2018年7月10日,詹姆斯正式与湖人签下4年1.53亿美元的合同。詹姆斯篮球智商极高、突破犀利,拥有出色的视野和传球技术,被认为是NBA有史以来最为全能的球员之一。2019年福布斯100名人榜排名第17位。参考资料来源:百度百科-勒布朗·詹姆斯
LeBron Raymone James (born December 30, 1984(1984-12-30)) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association. Commonly nicknamed "King James" and "The Chosen One," the Akron, Ohio-born James was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA star while still in high school, and was named Ohio's "Mr. Basketball" three times. At the age of 18, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers. Before his NBA debut, James signed an unprecedented US$90 million shoe contract with Nike. He has since set numerous youngest player records. In his first season, he received the NBA Rookie of the Year Award and in the following three seasons received All-NBA and All-Star honors. He led the Cavaliers to back-to-back playoff appearances in 2006 and 2007; the latter year the team advanced to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1992 and the NBA Finals for the first time in Cleveland's history. James is listed as a small forward, but can also play point guard and shooting guard. This versatility has led to his unofficial classification as a "point forward". James was a member of the United States men's national basketball team that won the bronze medal in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece, and he finished second in the league Most Valuable Player balloting in 2006. 勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James,1984年12月30日—) 是NBA篮球员,位置是前锋,身高2.03米,体重108.9公斤。他毕业于圣温森特(St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)高中,2003年成为NBA新人状元。现时效力克里夫兰骑士队。詹姆斯詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,在他于NBA的菜鸟球季平均每场就能取得20.9分、5.5篮板、5.9助攻,是继前辛辛那提皇家队后卫罗勃森(Oscar Robertson)及前芝加哥公牛队后卫乔丹(Micheal Jordan)后,NBA史上第三位于菜鸟球季就得到平均“20分、5篮板、5助攻”的球员。

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